Welcome to MultiPlex.studio

MultiPlex.studio was formed to tackle the AFWERX MDO Challenge and is the partnership between several high level individuals with significant technical and DoD credentials. We are an independent defense oriented think-tank and development group generating bleeding-edge technical, policy and theoretical advancements in furtherment of American, NATO & UN interests.

Cognitive Warfare

Cognitive Warfare Research & Development Group

This group began in August 2020 with the release of USD-R&E RFI-WHS-20-CYBERST: Cyber Science and Technology (S&T) Roadmap, a look at CYBER over the next 25 years. We decided to write an extremely innovative paper "A Cognitive Cyberwar" derived from an even more radical metaphysics paper "A Treatise on Reality" that advances the notion of a Cyber-Space-Time-Thought continuum. The paper additionally proposes extensions to the OSI model, a Secure Cognitive Architecture, Force Restructuring, the development of The Space Force (not to be confused with USSF) and UN CYBERCOM.

To participate in the research & development please contact the group: cognitive@multiplex.studio

Zero Trust Architecture

Zero Trust Architecture Innovation Group

In May 2020 we were tasked by USAF Cyberspace Dominance to develop a white paper on the state of Zero Trust Architecture as well as to innovate the concept. This has directly plugged into our Cognitive Warfare Research Group.

If you have interest in being a contributor to our research and development please contact zerotrust@multiplex.studio.

2021 AFWERX Refueling Challenge

AFWERX 2021 Mixed Reality Air Refueling Training Challenge

On 18 February 2021 AFWERX announced their latest challenge: "Air-to-air refueling (AAR) is one of the most difficult tasks to accomplish in the B-52 and is the primary driver behind the requirement for many additional training sorties. Increasingly, older bombers and tankers are requiring more maintenance, weather continues to affect our ability to accomplish training, and no current simulation contributes in a meaningful way to a pilot learning the fine motor skills and visual perception of movement necessary to accomplish AAR. Our goal is to develop a trainer which allows pilots to learn this essential skill more quickly. We need industry experts to help inform our nation’s elite war-fighting capability on the most current technologies. This is not an opportunity to pitch your product, but we encourage you to share your ideas for potential solutions, and we are seeking as many different perspectives as possible. The future of the United States Air Force (USAF) is dependent on investing in solutions that enable the warfighter to meet the threats of the future."

We will be participating in the Challenge Workshop with a Coalition of AR/VR & Air Refueling SMEs. If you wish to work with us please contact refueling@multiplex.studio

5 July 2021 Update

The Doctor Strangelove reference was no accident: from the beginning we intended to take the opportunity to begin the release of development.exchange complete with teams, LinkedIn chat groups and a wiki. AFWERX used Miro to enable over 100 participants to collaborate in real time, which was overall an awesome experience. However it lacked historical fidelity and MultiPlex took it upon ourselves to organize the content into a github wiki - working through the solution in Microsoft Teams and LinkedIn. The wiki build out was coming along nicley after day 1 and Jason posted a link to it in the Zoom Workshop and he was contacted by AFWERX demanding the wiki was eliminated. We obliged, and began to focus on the UTHOUGHT project - attempting to build out wiki.development.exchange and related services.


UTHOUGHT: Applied Cognitive Warfare Operational Research at ROTC Level

In partnership with the University of Utah NROTC program we are pursuing at Office of Naval Research (ONR) Grant to develop Cognitive Warfare training for cadets.

At UTHOUGHT we seek to not only educate our cadets on the tools and techniques of Cognitive Warfare / Social Engineering but place them in the field as "operational researchers.” University of Utah NROTC programming will not have capacity for formal cybersecurity training for the foreseeable future and as such this will be an extracurricular activity that is both highly encouraged by command and compensated through the ONR grant. We intend to provide real world objectives, most likely in an unofficial support capacity of US CYBERCOM, to affect cognitive transformation of our adversaries’ cyberspace.

We're looking for a Principal Investigator (PI) to join University of Utah as an Adjunct Professor, if you are interested in that role - or simply want to aid in development of this project - please contact: uthought@multiplex.studio. Proposal due date is 28 February 2021.

5 July 2021 Update

We could not get this white paper completed in time, we intend to work through it find other sponsorship.

MDO Fog Nodes

AFWERX 2019 Multi-Domain Operations Challenge

MultiPlex.studio led a team of Subject Matter Experts and partner firms Technica and Basil Security in developing a submission for the AFWERX MDO Challenge. We were selected for the AFWERX Fusion MDO Showcase, July 23rd-24th 2019 in Las Vegas. See details of the submission here.

We ultimately were not selected for the demo round, however it was a great accomplishment and experience.

Contact the team with any questions: team@multiplex.studio

Energy Transformation

AFWERX 2020 Reimagining Energy Challenge: Culture, Policy & Education

AFWERX announced a massive Energy Transformation Challenge in August 2020, we proposed a mix of "Communication, Create, Manifest" with http://development.exchange powering the development of mil.StratML.services, a Strategy Markup Language implementation/variant.

Our markup language (i.e.: structured open data) solution is applied to a 4-tier, phased Operational Energy (OE) cultural transformation. The bottom tier is ENERGY, next POWER, then WORK and top is VALUE (EPWV).These are stocks in a system, each with unique flows and accelerators that actionable structured data to the operator, unit commander and staffer need in different contexts and cadence to create a coherence of action that will be tagged energy efficient.

Nearly 3000 entires were submitted to the challenge and we placed 3rd/60 in our group while only the top entry was selected for the showcase.

If you have interest in being a contributor to our research and development please contact energy@multiplex.studio.

Securing the Human Protect Surface

Securing the Human Protect Surface: Achieving a Base Beyond a Base

In August 2020 we began the development of a proposal for a feasibility study into applying COTS hardware wearables to using biomatics and GPS position to uniquely identify human beings in order to establish more secure communication channels. We hope that this can become a Phase I SBIR in the April 2021 round.

If you have interest in being a contributor to our research and development please contact basebeyondbase@multiplex.studio.

Advanced Conceptual Aerospace Research

Advanced Conceptual Aerospace Research

In addition to cyber/tech we also have a theoretical working group on Advanced Aerospace Design. At the center is NexCraft: A "UFO" on a 10 year time frame, originally presented to AFWERX in March 2018 this project is under active development with the last publish being reflected in July 2019. NexCraft is smothered in micro-rocket-engines with main boosters providing fixed-vector-thrust-propulsion. Theoretically it can be going along at Mach 3, spin into a curve at Mach 5, stop on a dime and (if weaponed) take an entire wing of enemy fighters out of the sky before even been detected. Additionally it can do a "controlled spin" out of the atmosphere and navigate space even easier than within Earth.

Additionally in September 2020 we designed a conceptual ultra-large body prop-plane, the 808Z, which employs artificial intelligence to oscillate - instead of spin - the blades: theoretically resulting in superior performance (fuel consumption & speed).

To participate in the research please contact: aerospace@multiplex.studio

Blockchain Communications

Secure, Resilient & Real-Time Communications Working Group

During our analysis of the AFWERX MDO project we discussed introducing blockchain as an authentication mechanism to achieve Secure, Resilient and Real-Time Communications however discovered the domain was not mature enough to include that in the proposal. We have started a working group to develop the architecture for such a product.

If you have interest in being a contributor to our research and development please contact comms@multiplex.studio.

Dynamic Risk Assesment

Dynamic Operational Risk Assessment

This requirement began as SBIR AF192-057 "Dynamic, Risk-Based, Situational Awareness and Response" and while we attracted intense interest from several Subject Matter Experts we ultimately concluded that the SBIR mechanism did not provide enough funding for all our contributors and partners. We are now developing the use cases and architecture independently with the intention of identifying government and civilian customers to fund the development effort.

If you have interest in being a contributor to our research and development please contact risk@multiplex.studio.

Executive Team

The Ω Agency

The New Beginning of Information

Coalition Pod

If you have an out-of-the box idea please contact group@Ω.agency

The N3f Agency

King's Knight to Bishop's Three - Checkmate!

Operations Pod

If you are a potential select client contact group@nf3.agency